Computer Ethics
Thou shalt not use or copy proprietary software for which you have not paid: Software is an intellectual product. In that way, it is like a book: Obtaining illegal copies of copyrighted software is as bad as photocopying a copyrighted book. There are laws against both. Information about the copyright owner can be embedded by a process called watermarking into pictures in the digital format. These days, downloading a pirated program is easier that a sip of water. However, people who are thinking of doing these kind of stuff should think twice before doing it. Because this act is considered as a crime in many countries. In 1974, the Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU ) was established. CONTU decided that "computer programs, to the extent that they embody an author's original creation are proper subject matter of copyright." (Lemley, Menell, Merges, and Samuelson, 2009). Using the world wide web to search for "hacked" or "c...